Is Dubai a country? this is the new generation of class where we give you facts about everything and everything okay, so the majority of articles that we do about the different places on our planet need to do with countries but this point we’re journeying into the town of Dubai.
What city of Dubai? Is Dubai a country or city?

Well actually Dubai is not a country Dubai is a city located in the United Arab emirates which is actually the country based on 7 Emirates States.
- Abu Dhabi (Capital Of United Arab Emirates)
- Dubai
- Sharjah
- Ajman
- Ras al Khaimah
- Fujairah
- Um al Quwain
And it is the city of the biggest you’ll see why when I get into the facts definitely the future vacation spot of many of the peoples. I got to give a big [thank] [you] to everybody else that want us to write an article on Dubai, I had conversation with many foreigners they always ask me is Dubai a country? Many of the peoples around the world they think Dubai is a country. They don’t even know about the United Arab Emirates or the other states of the country, hope after reading this article no one will ask me again is Dubai a country?
More Interesting Facts about Dubai
So let’s get into the facts now What many of us do not know is that [alright] everybody calls it Dubai, but that’s actually based off of English accent but in Arabic it’s actually pronounced Dubai [let] what I had no idea, but for the sake of Familiarity for most people I’m going to stick to pronouncing it Dube. That’s how I’ve always pronounced it anyways but if I try to say Dube, I’m just going to like mess up in the article and say Dubai anyways,
Dubai Police Cars

They actually have some very nice police cars. Yeah, the police fleet has Lamborghinis it’s Ferraris it’s Bentley’s this is often to permit them to catch up with those guys That are speeding way too fast and a typical car just might not be ready to continue with them now.
Dubai Sewer System

This is a weird one like so it had been believed by many of us that Dubai actually had no sewage system whatsoever[but] rather it had been actually believed that Dubai only used poop trucks to hold round the waist of the entire city this was largely thanks to a video posted on YouTube back in 2009 that filmed miles and miles and miles of trucks crammed with Sewage in Dubai however the rationale for those trucks was that Dubai’s existing sewer system Wasn’t really built to handle the quantity of growth that the town was receiving and therefore the infrastructure in their sewer system Just wasn’t that built up yet and since [of] this that they had to gather waste from thousands of septic And deliver them [by] truck to the City’s only sewage treatment plant However since then the sewage system has greatly expanded So you’re not going to see miles and miles and miles of poop trucks when you go to Dubai?[we’ll] just have to clear up that myths that you know that obviously, I’m heading there for our future vacation, right? But let me know if you’ll go anywhere immediately on vacation where would that be i would like to listen to [where] you’d visit let me know in the comment section.
Gold Souk Dubai (Dubai Gold Market)

Now another fact about Dubai Is that it’s referred to as the town of gold Dubai is home to the gold souk which may be a traditional market that has over300 retail shops dedicated to gold.
Dubai Handsome Guy

Now some of you may [remember] this story It was all over the headlines but if not [here][it] was actually this journalist from Dubai right his name was Omar Borkan Al gala now he had [travelled] to Saudi Arabia But he was considered too handsomest was reported that he as well as two other people were actually kept out of Saudi Arabia by the religious police for being too handsome now an area newspaper Explained this by saying that these guys had to [be] kicked out because they feared that female Visitors would fall for them and ladies if you think this guy’s had some let me know by comments
Burj Khalifa Dubai

let’s talk about the Burj Khalifa now This is a super tall skyscraper in Dubai[and] it’s actually the tallest structure in the world standing at two thousand seven hundred and twenty feet now opened back in 2010 as a part of the new Development called downtown Dubai now the building Burj Khalifa was named in Honor of the president of the United Arab emirates Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Yeah, that thing is tall it makes CN Tower Look like.
Burj Al Arab Dubai

Let’s take a glance at another structure the Burj Al Arab which in Arabic actually translates to the tower of the Arabs it is a hotel in Dubai, and it’s the third tallest hotel in the world Standing at [one] thousand five hundred and fifty three point one five feet now when you take a look at it looks like a sail on a ship that’s exactly what they wanted to form it appear as if But guess what guys like all the way. This is just like the coolest hotel that I ever seen about39% of it it’s completely on occupiable. It’s just wasted space I’m like what just brooding about all of the cash that they [could] be making If they only filled up the space with i do not know more hotel rooms[I’m] just saying.
Dubai Mall

Now the Dubai mall is the largest mall in the world by total area it has over Retailers like Dubai. I swear may be a place that you simply can literally shop till you drop Now although Dubai is within the middle of a desert within the Dubai mall, you can actually go skiing like on snows I guess after a long day if you’re just really hot and you want to cool off You can just go hit the slopes. That’s crazy that’s like having the North Pole in the [middle] of the Mojave Desert.
Port Rashid Dubai

Now in addition to port Rashid Dubai has the biggest container port in the Middle East and that is the Port Jebel Ali this is located in the world’s largest man-made harbor beginning to see why I call this the town of the most important now.
Population of Dubai

Here’s an interesting one Nationals of the UAE only make up 10 to 15% of Dubai’s total Population the other eighty-five to ninety percent of the residents are immigrants mostly from are Asian countries like Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi and Filipino.
Is Dubai Safe

Many people were thinking before visiting Dubai is Dubai safe for travel? for final fact guys i feel that’s pretty amazing about Dubai or on Amazing depends on how you check out it’s a incontrovertible fact that their rate is next to nothing[it’s] believed that the [reason] why the rate is so low is due to the strict shariah that’s Enforced so people know that if they mess up they can be Jailed finned or deported [Like] you can actually get deported for kissing in public and since the city is made up largely of Foreigner’s people don’t want to be thrown in prison people don’t need to be deported so it’s cool But that concludes this episode of Dubai many thanks guys such a lot for tuning in be sure to leave your suggestions for any other facts article You want us to write down below in the comments, and of course we’ll give you a shout out for show You guys are awesome until subsequent time.
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